Passagem de Ano “One Family, One Wish, Cure HD” (Uma Família, Um Desejo, Curar a Doença de Huntington)
Nesta Passagem de Ano, Jimmy Pollard lança um desafio a toda a comunidade Huntington global: Fazer um encontro virtual mundial (plataforma zoom), entre as 19:00 do dia 31 de Dezembro e a 1:00 da madrugada de dia 1 de Janeiro (horário em Portugal), para que todas as pessoas possam dar o seu contributo para formular um Único Desejo Comum – Curar a Doença de Huntington.
Se quiser participar neste evento, que será em Inglês, contacte Jimmy Pollard por email ou por mensagem privada através do seu Facebook. Todos os pormenores sobre esta iniciativa podem ser encontrados no texto que Jimmy Pollard partilhou há uns dias.
Premise: Everybody everywhere makes a wish on New Year’s Eve! Many believe in the power of collective spirit, energy, goodwill, unity and prayer. The worldwide family touched by Huntington’s Disease share a vision of a world free of HD. Stronger as one, linked by mutual concerns, inspired by one another, we’re all part of a movement greater than ourselves! Let’s make our wish together this December 31st for a cure for HD!
What: Think of it as a virtual Open House where you drop in briefly or spend some time with family and kindred spirits.· The virtual Open House is a Zoom meeting.· It will be open for six hours to accommodate folks around the world.· Participants will briefly tell us where they’re from, say a few words and raise a toast or make a wish for a cure for HD.· If everybody spends about three minutes speaking, we can accommodate 120 family members from around the globe.· Spend as much time watching others making their wishes, raising their toasts and sharing good times as you like.
When: The New Year’s Eve Worldwide Wish to Cure Huntington’s is:· Thursday, December 31st, 2020.· 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. Eastern US11:00 am to 5:00 pm Pacific US7:00 pm to 1:00 am UK & IRL8:00 pm to 2:00 am Europe· To avoid waiting to make your wish, arrange a time with Jimmy.
How: To be among the 120 folks sharing wishes/making toasts online, arrange a time slot:· RSVP to Jimmy Pollard via Facebook Messenger or Together, we’ll set up the most convenient hour for you to make your wish with others.· The link for the meeting will be sent to you after Christmas.· If you’d like to join us, please message me now!